Diver's Corner - FAQ's

For those seeking an underwater adventure with the highest safety standards

Diver's Corner - Frequently Asked Questions

Is SCUBA diving safe?

While there are inherent risks, as in any sport, SCUBA Steve has never had an incident in his 20+ years of SCUBA diving. He attributes this to his dedication to teaching and practicing the highest safety standards and protocols, and does not stop there.

In the unlikely event that there is an incident, having a sound plan of action in place is crucial.  This is where SCUBA Steve goes above and beyond.  As a DAN (Diver’s Alert Network) Instructor, he has specialty training in administering O2, CPR, and best risk management practices.  However, being trained in all the safety aspects of SCUBA does not mean much if you do not have the right gear when you need it; therefore, he brings the most advanced DAN SCUBA first aid kit available, that contains an O2 tank, on every dive trip to ensure the best treatment can be immediately administered if ever needed.  We also incorporate the most advanced safety technology with the use of a Garmin MK2i Descent dive computer with a SOS feature and a Garmin Inreach Mini with a waterproof casing.  

Stephen has been insured through DAN since 1998, and encourages all divers of all ages and skill levels to do the same.   Please click on the links below to learn more.

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Statistically speaking, the risk of being struck by lightning is 10 times higher than being bit by a shark.  Most people know the odds of an aggressive shark encounter are extremely low, yet I still get questions and concerns around this.  Since this is still a concern for some and I do not want anything like this to keep people from exploring the amazing underwater world, I dive with a Sharkbanz 2 deterrent device during all student dives.  

Can my children SCUBA dive?

We help many children and families enjoy the pleasures of the underwater world.  Here are a few important ages to keep in mind when planning your family aquatic adventure:

8 years: Minimum age to try SCUBA (pool only)

10-15 years: Junior Open Water (max depth of 40 feet) and Junior Advanced Open Water (max depth of 60 feet) are available.

Once a Junior certified diver turns 15 years of age, the junior automatically drops off and they can dive up to the regular depths (within their training) for that certification level.  

What is the difference between a cavern and a cave?  

A cavern always has a direct view and access to the lighted entrance and a cave does not.

I have had trouble equalizing my ears.  Will I be able to SCUBA dive?

If you had tubes in your ears, probably not.  If not, then probably yes.  I have heard this concern from many people and 9 out of 10 times, if they never had tubes, we were able to get them diving.  If you can equalize in 5 feet of water, you can equalize at any depth.  First, you must equalize early and often before you ever feel the pressure on your ears.  This means at least every 3 feet.  Also, there are 3 different methods.  The Valsalva method, achieved by pinching your nostrils and gently blowing out.  Put your tongue against the roof of your mouth and swallow.  Last, stretch your Eustachian tube by tilting your head to the opposite side of the block and attempting the first two methods.  We will work with you to get you equalizing in no time!  

Why do you keep your class sizes small?

Enjoying the underwater world takes confidence and competence.  To gain this, you need to spend the appropriate time and get direct, hands on training with an experienced, patient SCUBA instructor.  We ensure this experience by limiting class size.

Does SCUBA Steve directly teach each course and guide every tour and why is this important?

Yes.  There are many divers who are certified and not confident and/or competent to dive the local, desirable sites.  SCUBA Steve takes a personal approach with his divers to ensure they learn to explore and enjoy the exciting underwater realm!

Where do we dive and why is this important?

Where you dive is everything when it comes to long term enjoyment of SCUBA diving.  Florida has amazing dive sites.  Many people get certified in a lake or in a place that does not provide the extra training needed to enjoy these sites.  All of our dives take place directly at the most exciting and desirable dive sites in Florida!  

Are all boat operations vetted?

Yes.  SCUBA Steve personally vets every boat operation he takes you on.  While he may use different charters depending on a variety of factors, each charter has the following qualities:

A dive boat that is in excellent condition

High reviews

Excellent, direct personal experience by SCUBA Steve

Does SCUBA Steve offer video and photos, and is this an additional expense?

Yes, and no.  Complimentary video and photos are provided at no additional expense as we are focused on creating enjoyable, memorable experiences.

What makes Scuba Steve’s unique?

Small class sizes, only the most adventurous dive sites, the highest safety standards and protocols, complimentary video and photography, full transparency with no gimmicks, and 100% direct instruction by SCUBA Steve.  We provide amazing, unique SCUBA adventures!!

Can we dive year around?  


What if I get cold easily?

Dressing for the occasion is the key.  That means the right wetsuit for the current water temperature.    If the weather is cooler, remember to bring a warm jacket to wear in between dives.  Don’t worry, I will guide you on this.

What if I get boat sick?

This is common.  There is help!  Many people swear by Bonine - Non-Drowsy with ginger.  Please note, that you should take this the night before and the morning of your dive.  If you start to feel sick on the boat, stay out in the open areas, avoid motor fumes, and look out at the horizon.  You can also ask the captain about swimming at the surface in between dives instead of staying on a rocking boat.  

What about COVID?  

We take COVID seriously and we adhere to CDC guidelines.  All classroom work is completed virtually or outdoors and within CDC guidelines, and all of our gear is sanitized in between each use.

Is scuba diving dangerous?

While SCUBA diving has inherent risks just like any other sport, we have never had an incident in our 20+ years of SCUBA diving. We teach and practice the highest safety standards and protocols, and always have a sound plan of action in place.

What does SCUBA stand for?

Self-contained underwater breathing apparatus

Who invented SCUBA?

Jacques Cousteau and Emile Gagnan

Is scuba diving scary?

Being weightless underwater while exploring amazing dive sites is an exhilarating feeling like no others.  Many divers describe their experiences of SCUBA as a relaxed, joyful adventure.  The training for SCUBA always begins with education and practice in a swimming pool.  

Is SCUBA diving hard?

While there is always some physical exertion, the level of physical demand varies greatly depending on the type of dive.  For example, a long walk on the beach with SCUBA gear in 100-degree weather will be more physically demanding than a boat dive.  Certain dive sites may be known for being more challenging than others.  Factors, such as waves and currents certainly have an impact.  

How much does SCUBA diving cost?

The costs of SCUBA can be broken down into 3 components:

  • Training:  The cost of training will vary depending on the course and types of dives.  For example, a boat trip is going cost more than a shore or lake dive, but may be money well spent. The national average range is between $399 and $699.
  • Gear – A full set of solid SCUBA gear with a dive computer will typically be around $1100 to own (give or take $200) and around $60/day to rent. We recommend completing Open Water certification prior to purchasing a full SCUBA set up.
  • Dive sites – Boat dives range from $99 to $225 depending on the number of dives and the distance.

How much are scuba diving lessons?

This depends on the certification or course you take.  If you have never been SCUBA diving and would like to start by simply trying SCUBA, you can take a short course in the pool and then go for a shallow dive with an instructor.  If you decide to then go for a full certification, many places will credit both activity and at least a portion of the cost.  Where you dive will impact this cost.  Shore or lake dives are going to cost less than a boat dive, but may not be as enjoyable.  The national average to try SCUBA is between $150-$299 and between $399 and $699 for certification.

Are there SCUBA Live Aboards the embark from Florida?

Yes! Florida has excellent Live Aboards that go to amazing places in the Bahamas, and we lead dives on two such offerings, the Juliet Sailing & SCUBA and Jim Abernathy's SCUBA Adventures!!

Where is the best SCUBA diving in the world?

Some of the best SCUBA diving sites are located in remote places of the world. We offer trips through the Bahamas with the comfort of boarding the dive boat from Florida through 2 major Live Aboard adventures!

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SCUBA diver in a cavern
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